Twig and Vine began as a collaborative work fueled by a passion for jewelry. Founders, Traci & Carly, began working together with the shared desire to spread the good news of The Gospel through an unexpected venture…jewelry making. What started as a small-scale hobby, took a surprising turn to create a social enterprise jewelry collection designed to break the cycles of poverty within some of the world’s more disadvantaged communities.
Limited to local sales, millions of talented artisans are trapped in micro-economies, unable to earn a living wage to support their families and businesses. Twig and Vine was created to alleviate poverty among women, specifically in the town of Caisan, in western Panama. We are working to employ marginalized woman at fair trade wages to break the cycle of poverty for themselves and their families.
Our artisan partners receive a fair wage that is equal to or greater than their country’s minimum wage. Often, wages received are not enough for basic survival. By giving artisans access to the global market, our hope is to provide fair and consistent incomes, while giving customers an opportunity to enjoy creations handcrafted by women across the globe.
…and so began Twig & Vine
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” – John 15:5 NIV